Accompanied my BB Boys to Pasir Ris Park yesterday.
They were to participate in a event called Adventure Quest yesterday. They have to walk from Pair Ris Crest Sec Sch to Pasir Ris park all by themselves. In Pasir Ris park, they had to navigate their own route to the various stations (i.e. First Aid, Knot Tying, Outdoor Cooking, Tent Pitching and Archery). Pts were to be calculated and the team with the least pts duducted was the winner!
I was at the First Aid Station together with Victor And Zec. All we had to do was to sit down in a chair and test the boys on Human Transport method, Head/Arm bandage and some knowledge on First Aid items.
Quite enjoyable time. Was blessed that i actually went for this outing. Saw how the boys fight, quarrel and joke amg themselves while looking for the correct answer. One grp had so much fun that they were actually rolling themselves on the floor while laughing. Another grp was so stressed that they were arguing amg themselves. Yet antoehr grp was so bo chap that they just did their oiwn individual things. Most of the grps were very shagged judging by their facial expression.
Some grps were very well coorodinated but some were nt. my two teams didnht managed to win an anything but hey, we were there for the experience! But my colleague and I only knew abt this thing 2 weeks b4 hand. Nvm, nxt yr we shall train them earlier and try to get some stufff back, at least a 15th Place position lar. Gt a total of 96 teams participate in yesterday's event. Wow....
Also watched a video clip yesterday on the sec sch BB boys' activities. Very interesting. They also had Adventure Quest but theirs was more exciting. Gt repelling, water activites, archery, expedition and etc. Haiz... Why didnt I join them?
Back to my heading. I decided that i was looking more and more like a 白斩鸡and hence, i choose a place where it was nt too inside a shelter to sit. By and by, the afternoon sun shone on me without me realizing it. By the time i felt very hot, my arm had two tones of colour alr. My forearm was cooked red alr while my upper arm was still onli pink. Now, my forearm sunburnt alr. Sianz.. This is one part i don like abt taning. Ltr still muz go buy Moisturiser to apply on the Sun burnt area.
But i enjoyed my self throughly yesterday. Nxt yr i also wan to train the boys and get them much prepared. Also, I wan to be one of the assessors and 'takan' the boys, hahaha...
Also, David asked me yesterday whehter i wan to be a full fleged BB officer. I need to go thru the Officer traning adventure course in Msia and go for the chirch baptism. Heard that the officer course in Msia is very challenging but yet enjoyable. Shall learn more abt it b4 deciding. Gt much owrk on hand alr, still i go have more things to do? Nt being an old BB boy, i gt so much more things to learn. It will jus put additional stress on myself. The BB Vesper, BB Table Grace, Badge work etc... So many things to learn...
My arm still hurts but hav to wait till 12 pm after my tuition b4 i can buy the moisturiser. So sad