haha... Maybe not lar, not tat busy.
But these few weeks are really a torture. Put aside the competition, my UniSIM is a real pain too.
Lessons started proper this week. Friday,after settling all the logistic stuff for the sunday competition, i rushed back home to take a bath b4 rushing down to SIM. Its basically a mad rush lor. By the time i reached UniSIM, i was alr late for like 15mins. I was comtemplating whether need to get a bread b4 going into the lecture room when my stomach jus growl. haha... Needless to say, i grabbed a piece of bread before going in. To my suprise, the 'lecture' is only a small tutorial room. Hence, pai seh to makan the bread. Hav to wait for the break b4 can eat. My stupid stomach growl twice and I think the 2 persons besode me hear it lor. Wah lau, so pai seh.
The lesson was interesting. I learnt how to break down the englishg sentence into smaller parts. Though tired but felt happy as I 've learnt something new. The lecturer is funny at times that really keeps the class jovious. SIM alr cancelled all refreshments (stating that cost are rising and hence, need to abolish refreshments. So why nvr lesser sch fees ar???!!! *angry*)
Today also passed by very quickly. 9am starts my Managing Personal Finance course till 12pm. then one hour break for lunch. Then from 1pm to 4pm is the English Grammar course. After 4pm, my brain really dead lor.Something dangerous happened. I drove home from SIM as usual. But the funny thing is, when i reached home, i don recall driving home. I don recall being on the expressway and stuff. Wow... I think i was driving while stoning. So Dangerous! Don know how i survive....
Was marking my 4 Charity Spelling books prior to my blogging now. sianz lor. Onli finish 3/4 of it... Worse, still gt P5 workbook haven mark yet. Then i haven start revising the lessons that i have been attending yesterday and today. Arghhhh!!!!
Saturday, July 26
Sunday, July 20
The Purpose
最近,我在 Mobtv 重看了《早安老师》这部家喻户晓的精装连续剧。其中一幕是有一位校长离校的情景。这位校长平日对学生非常严格,对做错事情的孩子更是严加处分。可是,当她坐着车子离开时,却有很多学生在后头追着汽车哭泣着,嚷嚷着:“校长,别走!”
在我中二时有一位历史老师。原本的我十分讨厌历史,觉得它特别乏味。可是,这位老师却让我们在上课时提起十二万精神,一点倦意都找不到。在脑海中,较清晰的是有一天,那位老师告诉我们假期的时候,我们需要回到学校赶课。通常老师说到这里时, 同学们都是:“哎哟!假期嘞!休息时间! 不要啦!”可是,出乎预料的,全班同学都欢呼起来。 哈哈!!我也不知为什么。我只知道来上历史课,我完全赞成。
把镜头转移到我中四那一年,O 水准考试之前。突然,有消息传开说那位老师要离开了。我们都不敢相信,都一窝蜂地去质问她。她的回答是:“我觉得这份工作不适合我。”,这简单的一句话。天真的我那时在想:“如果这份工作部适合你,那这份工作更不适合其他人。”然而,我们的百般阻挠都无法动摇她的心。默默地,渐渐地,我们只好尊重她的决定。我们也赶着做一个大卡片,写上我们的衷心的祝福。在她离开学校的那一天,我们虽然还有其他科目的补课,但我们却不顾学校纪律,到停车场那送她上车。同学们都一把眼泪,一把鼻涕地向她告别。那时的悲伤,那时的无奈非笔墨所能形容。那时的我,早已在中二时默默地许下心愿,要当和她一样的一位老师。
最后一个镜头来到柬埔寨的一个小村落。我也是随着其他人来到这里做义工。这里的学生大多接近20 岁,都是年轻有为的家伙!他们很穷,没有机会读书。幸好有这间由新加坡教会资助的学校,他们才能学到一门手艺。其中一位学生也不知为什么,与我非常投缘。虽然我们之间都有语言上的障碍,但我们却跨过了!在临走的那一个晚上,我们谈了很久。隔天, 那位学生谁都说话,就是有好像避开我的感觉。我也不加理会。就当巴士启动引擎时,那位学生突然上前拥抱我!那份拥抱充满着许多不舍,许多留恋。
前几天,我的同事给我看了一则简讯。这简讯写着:Without you and XXX, we would not have achieve so much. 非常感人吧!也许在读这Blog的你没有感觉什么,但对于我的同事来说,应该让她有着深深的体会。几天前,因为工作所需,我也到一件学校训练一只队伍参加比赛。那支队是只黑马,没有让看好他们。不知是我们的心血感动了上天,还是他们幸运,他们居然得了亚军!过几天,队长发了简讯给我:“Without you, we wouldnt have this honor. I know that there are rumours about you out there. However, thanks for ignoring all that rumours and believing in us. Without you, we wouldnt have clinched the second place." 虽然只是短短的几句话,却让我深深地感动了。几个月前,有一位学生传短讯给我:“I wish that you will become my teacher again."
最近,我在 Mobtv 重看了《早安老师》这部家喻户晓的精装连续剧。其中一幕是有一位校长离校的情景。这位校长平日对学生非常严格,对做错事情的孩子更是严加处分。可是,当她坐着车子离开时,却有很多学生在后头追着汽车哭泣着,嚷嚷着:“校长,别走!”
在我中二时有一位历史老师。原本的我十分讨厌历史,觉得它特别乏味。可是,这位老师却让我们在上课时提起十二万精神,一点倦意都找不到。在脑海中,较清晰的是有一天,那位老师告诉我们假期的时候,我们需要回到学校赶课。通常老师说到这里时, 同学们都是:“哎哟!假期嘞!休息时间! 不要啦!”可是,出乎预料的,全班同学都欢呼起来。 哈哈!!我也不知为什么。我只知道来上历史课,我完全赞成。
把镜头转移到我中四那一年,O 水准考试之前。突然,有消息传开说那位老师要离开了。我们都不敢相信,都一窝蜂地去质问她。她的回答是:“我觉得这份工作不适合我。”,这简单的一句话。天真的我那时在想:“如果这份工作部适合你,那这份工作更不适合其他人。”然而,我们的百般阻挠都无法动摇她的心。默默地,渐渐地,我们只好尊重她的决定。我们也赶着做一个大卡片,写上我们的衷心的祝福。在她离开学校的那一天,我们虽然还有其他科目的补课,但我们却不顾学校纪律,到停车场那送她上车。同学们都一把眼泪,一把鼻涕地向她告别。那时的悲伤,那时的无奈非笔墨所能形容。那时的我,早已在中二时默默地许下心愿,要当和她一样的一位老师。
最后一个镜头来到柬埔寨的一个小村落。我也是随着其他人来到这里做义工。这里的学生大多接近20 岁,都是年轻有为的家伙!他们很穷,没有机会读书。幸好有这间由新加坡教会资助的学校,他们才能学到一门手艺。其中一位学生也不知为什么,与我非常投缘。虽然我们之间都有语言上的障碍,但我们却跨过了!在临走的那一个晚上,我们谈了很久。隔天, 那位学生谁都说话,就是有好像避开我的感觉。我也不加理会。就当巴士启动引擎时,那位学生突然上前拥抱我!那份拥抱充满着许多不舍,许多留恋。
前几天,我的同事给我看了一则简讯。这简讯写着:Without you and XXX, we would not have achieve so much. 非常感人吧!也许在读这Blog的你没有感觉什么,但对于我的同事来说,应该让她有着深深的体会。几天前,因为工作所需,我也到一件学校训练一只队伍参加比赛。那支队是只黑马,没有让看好他们。不知是我们的心血感动了上天,还是他们幸运,他们居然得了亚军!过几天,队长发了简讯给我:“Without you, we wouldnt have this honor. I know that there are rumours about you out there. However, thanks for ignoring all that rumours and believing in us. Without you, we wouldnt have clinched the second place." 虽然只是短短的几句话,却让我深深地感动了。几个月前,有一位学生传短讯给我:“I wish that you will become my teacher again."
Wednesday, July 9
Many many Prez........
Today when i reached school, Hui Qun was the first to wish me Happy B Day. Was quite surprised as i don rmember telling her my B day. Ltr i heard her say that she heard from someone.
The day went on as normal until i came back from my afternoon class. Saw tis on my desk.

After reading the card, i was actually quite touched, hahah... Didnt know that so many people remembered my Bday. Yes, i gt tell some of my close friends my B day but i thought it was of a like tell and forget. Who knows.. Anyway, after reading the card, i was quite happy. Then Auntie Ellen tell me gt prez somemore. Worse still, they hid it in some place that i ned to search. Search for at least a good 5 mins before i found it inbetween my SA1 pprs. Diaoz...

Though nt a Crumpler bag that i love to have, it was a decent bag nevertheless. Juz nice to carry for formal wear.
Then in the evening, we went Waraku to have dinner before attending the concert at Esplanade. Then MC took out one more prez. Wah lau... Very shocked lor. Gt 2 prez in one day by almos the same grp of people. THe first prez gt 12 pple share while this second prez gt 6 pple share. Thanks everyone!

This prez was bought by pple who sits in my car cos they care for their own safety. Diaoz....

Went to hear the Singapore Youth Orchestra in the evening. Beautifully played. Veru nice. Very shiok.
The day went on as normal until i came back from my afternoon class. Saw tis on my desk.

After reading the card, i was actually quite touched, hahah... Didnt know that so many people remembered my Bday. Yes, i gt tell some of my close friends my B day but i thought it was of a like tell and forget. Who knows.. Anyway, after reading the card, i was quite happy. Then Auntie Ellen tell me gt prez somemore. Worse still, they hid it in some place that i ned to search. Search for at least a good 5 mins before i found it inbetween my SA1 pprs. Diaoz...

Though nt a Crumpler bag that i love to have, it was a decent bag nevertheless. Juz nice to carry for formal wear.
Then in the evening, we went Waraku to have dinner before attending the concert at Esplanade. Then MC took out one more prez. Wah lau... Very shocked lor. Gt 2 prez in one day by almos the same grp of people. THe first prez gt 12 pple share while this second prez gt 6 pple share. Thanks everyone!

This prez was bought by pple who sits in my car cos they care for their own safety. Diaoz....

Went to hear the Singapore Youth Orchestra in the evening. Beautifully played. Veru nice. Very shiok.

Monday, July 7
My 1st Bday Prez
Today, Auntie Ellen asked me for Scotch Tape. I tried to probe why she asked me for the tape, she asked me to move back to my table and not to see. Thinking that its some woman's thingy, i obeyed her.
After ehich, i jus asked her why. Then she thrusted me this!!

Guess what it is!!!!

Ta-dah!! Tols her i wanted something like this a few months ago. Quite surprised that she still remeembered this. Pleasant surprise, though i wanted the Crumpler Bag more, haha..

Come in further..

Close-up!!! Nice rite!!! Plan to wear it tmr to the concert.
After ehich, i jus asked her why. Then she thrusted me this!!

Guess what it is!!!!

Ta-dah!! Tols her i wanted something like this a few months ago. Quite surprised that she still remeembered this. Pleasant surprise, though i wanted the Crumpler Bag more, haha..

Come in further..

Close-up!!! Nice rite!!! Plan to wear it tmr to the concert.

Sunday, July 6
Every male Singaporean have a responsibility --- To defend the Constituition of Singapore.
In Yr 2001, I gt conscripted into the Defence Force. I could still remember the scene. I was sitting in the back seat of my Dad's car. There was a mild rain and rain drops were landing on the window panes. Mixed feeling rolled inside me. I knew that "Freedom" was near but i was afraid of the hardships as well.
As the Fast Craft sailed seethly towards the jetty of Tekong, the growling feeling in me rose to a new height. I was seperated from my parents once we left the boat as my parents were given a free tour of the island while i need to go get the administration things done.
After a few hrs, we were all in the Auditorium. The whole bunch of army guys were sitting together. While we took the oath of Allegience, I felt a sense of pride overtaking the Demon in me. Defending the country was impt. I remember my JC teacher, Mrs Renee, told us:" No one can defend Singapore in harsh times. Being a colonial country, the 'Masters' need to take care of their own country first before us. We need take care of ourselves."
My parents and I were treated to a sumptious lunch. After lunch, we walked back to the jetty. My parents walked towards the jetty while i headed in a different direction. I didnt know what to expect from there on. Every senior that i asked gave me a different opinon.
I was lost. Lost in the concrete jungle. Lost in my own thoughts. Lost in the sea of people.
Fast Forward to Yr 2008>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It was my 4th ICT. The training prog was emailed to us way beforehand so that we can mentally prepare ourslves. Though the feeling was still as sianz as ever, i was better prepared than the previous ICT.
On that morning itself, while i was putting on my boots, I forgot how to tie my boots momentarily.
Reached camp around 0715am. Encik told me that my hair at the back was a bit long and the color is different. Needed to go for hair cut. Diaoz.... A 3 min haircut plus combing of the hair with dye set me back by SGD 20 bucks. Not really worth it.
Being the First Day, we didnt have any tedious activity to do. Just a simple parade. HOwever, the main prob was my bunk. My coy was located at the 5th fl. Imagine after every tiring training, we need climb the mountaineous staircase.
Time flew by fast. Training, IPPT, Prep of stores... All these took us through 6 days. During our free time, we were either catching up with our beauty sleep or playing with cards. Bridge and Big Two were the common past time. During the breaks during training, we were catching up with one another on past yr events.
Many people grew up, both mentally and physically. Mentally, we were more or less focus on what we want to do for our journey down the road. We knew what we wanted in life, which is from far a comparison in army whereby we were clueless about the life afterwards. However, i realised that there was this guy in my particular pl whereby he was jobless for 8 months. Heard from his best friend tht he was suspended from the job cause he didnt hav enuff cash to travel there. Though he lent him some $$$, but he spent it on something else. Worse still, he is nw trying to earn his money thru some methods whereby there will be one day he would drain his family.
Yesterday we booked out of camp. At tthe Out-Pro centre, many of us were Queuing up to get our NRIC scanned. As I looked at the numerous people trying to cut Queue, i was thinking why they are trying their best to get ahead of line. Is a period of 20 mins going to affect your entire life? Unless you really have something real urgent, why do you need to bring the society to shame? Yes, we are all looking forward to the day we can drop of Armour Of Defence and put on the clothings of Civilisation. But setting up back by 20min, will there be a change? Why nt we jus wait patiently for our turn and let those who are real urgent take their leave first?
I tried to scan for my pl mate faces. It will be another yr before i see them again. Wishing them all the best and hope their lives will improve the next time i see them...
In Yr 2001, I gt conscripted into the Defence Force. I could still remember the scene. I was sitting in the back seat of my Dad's car. There was a mild rain and rain drops were landing on the window panes. Mixed feeling rolled inside me. I knew that "Freedom" was near but i was afraid of the hardships as well.
As the Fast Craft sailed seethly towards the jetty of Tekong, the growling feeling in me rose to a new height. I was seperated from my parents once we left the boat as my parents were given a free tour of the island while i need to go get the administration things done.
After a few hrs, we were all in the Auditorium. The whole bunch of army guys were sitting together. While we took the oath of Allegience, I felt a sense of pride overtaking the Demon in me. Defending the country was impt. I remember my JC teacher, Mrs Renee, told us:" No one can defend Singapore in harsh times. Being a colonial country, the 'Masters' need to take care of their own country first before us. We need take care of ourselves."
My parents and I were treated to a sumptious lunch. After lunch, we walked back to the jetty. My parents walked towards the jetty while i headed in a different direction. I didnt know what to expect from there on. Every senior that i asked gave me a different opinon.
I was lost. Lost in the concrete jungle. Lost in my own thoughts. Lost in the sea of people.
Fast Forward to Yr 2008>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It was my 4th ICT. The training prog was emailed to us way beforehand so that we can mentally prepare ourslves. Though the feeling was still as sianz as ever, i was better prepared than the previous ICT.
On that morning itself, while i was putting on my boots, I forgot how to tie my boots momentarily.
Reached camp around 0715am. Encik told me that my hair at the back was a bit long and the color is different. Needed to go for hair cut. Diaoz.... A 3 min haircut plus combing of the hair with dye set me back by SGD 20 bucks. Not really worth it.
Being the First Day, we didnt have any tedious activity to do. Just a simple parade. HOwever, the main prob was my bunk. My coy was located at the 5th fl. Imagine after every tiring training, we need climb the mountaineous staircase.
Time flew by fast. Training, IPPT, Prep of stores... All these took us through 6 days. During our free time, we were either catching up with our beauty sleep or playing with cards. Bridge and Big Two were the common past time. During the breaks during training, we were catching up with one another on past yr events.
Many people grew up, both mentally and physically. Mentally, we were more or less focus on what we want to do for our journey down the road. We knew what we wanted in life, which is from far a comparison in army whereby we were clueless about the life afterwards. However, i realised that there was this guy in my particular pl whereby he was jobless for 8 months. Heard from his best friend tht he was suspended from the job cause he didnt hav enuff cash to travel there. Though he lent him some $$$, but he spent it on something else. Worse still, he is nw trying to earn his money thru some methods whereby there will be one day he would drain his family.
Yesterday we booked out of camp. At tthe Out-Pro centre, many of us were Queuing up to get our NRIC scanned. As I looked at the numerous people trying to cut Queue, i was thinking why they are trying their best to get ahead of line. Is a period of 20 mins going to affect your entire life? Unless you really have something real urgent, why do you need to bring the society to shame? Yes, we are all looking forward to the day we can drop of Armour Of Defence and put on the clothings of Civilisation. But setting up back by 20min, will there be a change? Why nt we jus wait patiently for our turn and let those who are real urgent take their leave first?
I tried to scan for my pl mate faces. It will be another yr before i see them again. Wishing them all the best and hope their lives will improve the next time i see them...
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