Yeah... Finshed my course already. Though the course was informative and fun, it was mentally toturing. I remembered on thursday when i went to gave tuition after my class. I fell asleep while waiting for him to finish his math problem lor, ahhaa... Lucky the mum nvr deduct my pay....
Yesterday, towards the end of the course, the trainer showed us a video done with the Street Children from Country C. The video showed footages of children picking up things in the rubbish dump.
From the interview, they even had to pay money to get things from the new rubbish that arrived in their capital.
Its like," here! its the money so that i can get the passport to pick up things from the new rubbish dump that jus arrived."
When the children goes home without picking up anything that is of value, they get beaten up by their fathers.
When the children are tired, they sleep at the rubbish dump.
When the children are hungry, they are scavaging amg the dump.
When the child can get no more things, they work as prostitutes with getting as much as US 25cents in their dad's pocket (none given to them) by old uncles.
See these?

THese are a norm at Country C. Many children actually go hungry and die on the streets. Some of their parents abandoned them since young. Some are made as child labourers.
Compare to this......

What are your thoughts?????