Yes Sir. What would you like to buy today?

The different wedding costumes

A closer look

A traditional Korean Wedding

Teddy Bear 'Catwalk'

New Year Wish ? World Peace!!! Hahah...

Court Costume

Two Idiots trying to be clever

Wow! This bear can just 压死我咯!

See tis bear?

Now, try to find it....

I don know to call this gross or cute...

OMG! Are they of the same size?

Frenz 4ever?

Tango-ing with the bear

Owww... The bear muz be very light..

Goldilocks and the Two bears

Ok... 来吧,孩子们! 讲故事了!

Its Superbear!

The bear version of Elvis Presley

兵马俑(nt sure is it written like tat..)

Bear JOrdon lehz..

Bear Teresa

Bear Diana and Bear Charles Wedding

After touring ard the bear Musemum, still gt topns of time left before we load up the bus. So went ard snooping for things to take pic with..
Nice Sunset

Look very Ba Zang hor...

无聊right? Hahaha...

Caught measuring the height of the book!

Are u talking to me?