This time round, our gathering is at Civil Service Club (Bukit Batok). Its a club hidden on the slope of Bukit Batok. Upon reaching inside, its like a resort away from the hustle of the busy Singapore life, except that you can still see some high-rise HDB flats not far away. We went to book the treehouse there. Quite a nice place to have a gathering.
This is the small treehouse that we booked.

This is the BBQ pit. Got two somemore. Actually got one more bt the person in-charge says that one is for rainy day purpose as it is a movable BBQ pit. But two BBQ pits re more than enough already la..

Cloer look into the treehouse

This is wht you will see when u look down from the treehouse....

The person that coordinated this outing (Reservation and stuff but sucks at BBQ food)

The Professional fire starters at work.

Fire Starters cum Chefs at work with two eye power people at the back.. :)

As to all New Year gathering, gambling will always take place. So here's evidence to our fav hobby. Even during our training in Pulau Ubin, we also play this during our free time (during and after dinner).

As the place close at 11pm, we proceed on to Mac @ AMK Park... All 8 of us were there.... playing cards as usual..