Long time since i blogged. Months passed by and finally the holidays are here. Though long awaited but suddenly, feel A bit lost...
The highlight for these few mths is actually my trip to Cambodia. This is not the 1st time i went for Service Learning trip. THe other time when i went to Yunan, the sense of achievement and happiness I had with the children down there is beyond words. I went to Cambodia with the aim of achieving the same sense of satisfaction.
25th Nov 2007, I reached Singapore International Airport Terminal 2 with a bit of apprehensiveness. I was afraid that the trip might be dissapointing for me. I might be lucky in Yunan to feel so much of satisfaction and this trip to CAMBODIA might not be what i wanted to find. Nevertheless, I went ahead with the trip, trying to be as "open" as possible. Of course, I couldnt possibly back out on this trip the very last min.
The 1st day was a bit boring. Checked into the hotel and then slack till time for lunch, which was followed by a visit to the Russian Market. What caught my attention there was not the various types of items that were being sold there but the number of beggers on the street. You can see, the age of these beggers are not very old, some i think only a bit older than me. But there they are, trying to earn a living by begging in the streets. Carrying their children on their hips, they just follow u whenever u go, jus in case u decide to pity them and give them some $$$. I was softened to give some money to them but was reminded that if i gave them money, it risk me getting crowded by the other beggers lurking on the streets. Their plight reminded me of something. I once read in a book that poverty is a cycle. How true is that? The children of these beggers have no chance of education and hence, when they grow up, their onli way of survival is to beg on the streets. This cycle will go on and on till someone offers them a helping hand.
The second day was at PKH (Project Khmer Hope)---> First Pic. My team needs to stay there for 4 days. I was a bit excited at meeting the kids, but at the same time, pining for the comfort within the hotel, haha.. When I reached the place, i was in awe. It looks so much like a chalet. haha... Then i found out that this place is actually sponsered by St Andrew's Cathedral in Singapore. No wonder it looks so Singaporean.
After lunch, we proceed with the training of First Aid with them. I was assigned with group 3 (As shown in the second pic). Most of them were in their late teens or early twenties. They can understand basic english and hence, able to understand us though at times, we need the interpreter to help us translate. I realsise that by speaking very slowly, I am able to catch their attention and helped them to understand us better.
I spent 3 full days with this class and by and by, we gt more attached. I started to feel for them and I've gt the chance to visit their "hostels" and get closer to them. As compared to the living standard in Singapore and Yunan, I think they are much more backward. They are just contended living with a roof over their heads while we Singaporeans are complaining abt the heat and the lack of water heater... I remembered one night when i woke up shivering as it was very cold despite the fan being switched off. I slipped right down into my slping bag and suddenly, i remebered the kids. If I can feel so cold, wat abt them? They have no slping bag to slip into. They only have a thin mat with a thin balnket for warmth.
However, these kids nvr complained. They even told me, they feel very lucky and blessed that they are here. There are many other kids who are worse off than them. I nodded in agreement but deep down, I couldnt help but felt amazed by their maturity. I guess a person's living environment could really help a person mature slower or faster.
Third pic-----> Look at their happy faces. They are helping the kitchen to prepare for their dinner. Most Spore kids would turn up their noses at helping to prepare meals while these kids can joke and laugh while preparing for their meals.During one of the prep, I went into the kitchen to see if there are anything I can help. After washing my hands, I helped them to pluck out jackfruits from the skin (If you can understand what i mean). Wah lau.. Ma Lu lor.... The students have to teach me how to pluck out lor. Then, after plucking out, I need to rinse my hands with oil before washing off with soap.I didnt know that b4 hand.
During the 3 and a half days, I was particular close to a few kids. One of them was Mesa (the student in the last pic). I think his family background is one of that which we singaporeans find it hard to imagine. One of his siblings have Aids, two of his siblings have passed away due to Thyoid fever (I guess from his description of the sign and systoms he described). He now only have one bro who is a tutu driver and his mother (60-70 yrs old) is the only other person working in his family. His dad (10 yrs older than the mum) cant work alr. Mesa has been a zoo keeper for 6mths before his mum ask him to come to Kamping Speu to study in this sch. The very last night, I had a chat with me. He told me his problems. I was surprised! He come across me as a happy go lucky person and nvr once did i thought that he have so many things on his mind. He told me that he look happy so taht other pple will not worry abt him. How is this for maturity? I prayed for him that nite and I prayed that he didnt go thru any more of the "proverty sickness".
On the last day, I gave him my slping bag. I told him that it was being used by me before and therefore, was no longer new. He accepted it readily and you can really see the happiness in his eyes. he walked happily back to his hostel and I could see from his back, he was proud to be the new owner of the slping bag. When I started to say my final goodbye, I could see the reluntance in his eyes. Suddenly, he ran up to me and gave me a hug. Boy, was I surprised! I was also trying very hard not to shed any tears and there he was, hugging me. He held on to my hands for as long as possible and listen attentively to whatever i was saying. He gave me his home address and had me promised to write him a letter when i came back to Singapore. Just a few hrs ago before i go on to this blog, I recieved an sms from him. He said that he was not feeling well and was anxious too bcos of his coming exAMS. He also said that he look forward to recieving a letter from me when he go back home in a week's time. Once again, I was touched by his sincerity. I hope that I can still keep in contact with him, just like my other two students in Yunan who are now alr studying in University.
The second student that i find quite interesting is the guy in the second pic, first row, first from the left. When u talk to him, He will hold your hands and touch your fingers one by one. I was quite grossed out initially and then, i realised that is their way of expressing their eagerness and reluntance of letting someone go. On the very last day, he tried to held on to my hands for as long as possible.
Even these events took place about one week ago, the memories are still fresh in my mind. Even as i am typing this out in my blog now, I still feel for them. I am on my bed typing out his blog and they are in their cold hostel room with candles for light studying for their exams. I hoped that these students can study real hard and get a jog in the near future that can improve their lives and BREAK OUT OF THE POVERTY CYCLE.
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