Though this trip made me super frustrated but it the end, it end up quite well though the hotel room made both the travel agent and me quite fed-up... But quite heng... My travel mate was patient enough to wait for me to settle the things b4 we can set off to play. And also to "counsel" me when i was well, "fed up" with the carious complaints and dis-satisfaction from some of them.
Teachers and friends and Family listening carefullt to the hostory of Malacca.

The famous Red House of Malacca.

Beautifully done up trishaws of Malacca... Makes me think of the funeral cars....

Bird's view from the top

The famous St Paul's Church ruins

Contrast b/w Past and Present

Brief History of the church.

Ruins 1

Ruins 2

Ruins 3

Grp Foto...

View from even higher.. Can spot the hotel???

Even closer

Can see now???? Quite obvious alr right ??

Coming down from the church

Tombstone even before the WW2

Street Artist displaying his talent.

Policemen on duty in horse.. Novelty idea. Shld try tis in Spore.

A heli used in WW2

Newton Food Centre... No no.. Not wrong post. There's really a food centre called Newton Food Centre (NFC) in Malacca.


Newton Food (Gorgious Food)

Holiday Inn @ nite

Malacca Little India

Preparing to eat the famous Chix Rice

The Rice balls which first looked like Fried Fishballs to me..

Famous Muar Otah

Kampung Chix (Don ask me why is it yellow.. It is served like tat.)

Malacca Pasar Malam

Aunties caught in the act of line dancing, hehe hehe

View from my room at the 11th Floor (1)

View from my room at 11th Floor (2)

Malacca Carlsberg Tower

Hotel i stayed in and very comfortable

Applied for this.. Think its quite useful

Enjoyed this trip quite well.. Wan go again. Anyone interested???