It all began one fine day when i was having breakfast with Ah Mah in the lounge. Then S came to Approach me..
S: M, can you be the emcee for CD ?
M: (Stunned) Hmmm... Can find someone else? I am involved in another item. I mean,
maybe someone else can do it. Could you try find someone else? But if
no one wan do it, then i ok lor.
Then, when the listn of duty came out, its was L and J. I heaved a sign of relief.
ONe fine day after the duty list came out.
S: M, L and J says that they cant do it. Could you do us this favor instead?
M: (Alarmingly surprised) Oh, i thought they are doing it.
S: Yah, but they are involved in something else.
M: Oh, ok lor.... Really no one?
S: Yah, i asked the whole staff room.
M: ........
Let's count the number of times I have been the Emcee for this year.
1) It all begin with Auntie Sim arrowing me to be compere for CNY concert.
2) Then it was the P5 Singing Competition
3) P1 Recital Competition
4) P2 Recital Competition
5) Teachers Day Hi Tea
6) Then now, the CD.
Hmmm.... I think i should start charging. Even if charge $10 per event, at least can earn up to $60 alr....
C'mon... Anyone wan compere services? Only $10 per hour.... Cheaper than tuition lor...

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