Taken at the basement carpark. The overall pic of the bouquet.

A closer look

Since spend so much, must take a clearer look. So took these shots when i was at junction waiting for the red light to turn green...

When i met her, she was quite surprised to recieve this. But to my surprise. she also bought me this!

Nvr thought she would buy this. My impression of her is that she will always go for quality stuff that is of the affordable range. Tat time gt ask her wat she think of this brand. She said quite ex, though its dark choco. Just tat the branding make the prices soar. Den when she present this, she said she remembered that i liked dark choco... Heh heh...
AAt first wanted to go a Japanese Restaurant to eat. But since we didnt make any reservation, the onli seats they have left is those sit side by side one. She asked me whehter i want or not. Thinking its difficult to talk like tat, i said we find another one lor. In the end, we went to Outback Steakhouse. Ordered each a main course and shared a plate of fries. Very full lo though i think i ate most of the fries, haha... I found out that she doesnt like steak with red in the middle = she onli like well done steak. Haha.. She cant stand the feel of eating blood. Though she don mind me eating it, she say i ma chiam like vampire. Diaoz......
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