Enlighted by a Pri sch friend of mine who was discussing about this topic "isnt it hard to have good friends the older u get?"..............
As mentioned in his posting, we used to be friends with whoever we met. I remembered that we used to be friends with whoever is in our class. If i remembered correctly,the whole class (or rather the majority) used to rush to the carpark to play improvised baseball when the "All Hell Break Loose" bell rings. Regardless of who you are, all were invited to join. Of course, arguments and fights occur but all these vanished in a matter of hours.
Then, as we progress to Upper Pri, we start to decide who is our best friend. We have the "Best Best Friend", "Best Friend", "Friends" and "Not Friends". This reminded me of this particular actress who said ," 我们不是朋友,只是同事。" We start to have the "If you are friends with tht particular guy/girl, then i don friend you liao."
Then we progress to Sec where we find a new bunch of friends. Initially, we start to go out with the pri sch friends. But then, as we make new friends in Sec, we start to cringe at the idea of gg out with the pri sch friends. Outings with them becomes rare. In my instance, i think the last time i went out with the entire bunch of pri sch friends is in my Sec 2 days, when my pri sch form tr got married.
In Upper Secondary, we moved away from the "Best Best Friend", "Best Friend", "Friends" and "Not Friends" scenario.However, we get ourselves in clicks and built a wall around us. We moved around in groups and ,pre then often, reluctant to let any new friends join our group.
In JC, we again moved from our 'Sec Sch friends' to new found 'JC' friends. In 'JC',the 'grp' becomes even smaller and we only hang out in our grps.
As we move on to NS, we are supposedly ythe more matured bunch of friends. We hang out regularly and only on rare occasions that we get to meet up with 'sec and JC' friends.
After NS, i went to NIE whereby i met my own grp of click again. The 5 of us move tog like a gang and we seperated ourselves from the rest of the lecturemates.
In workplace, i also have my own clicks. More than often, we would get tog to makan and stuff. It became very hard for me to have a good interaction with others.
One colleague of mine actually described me as an 'Extrovert'. Buddy of mine actually decribed me as an 'Introvert'. Actually, it all depends on the company. If i feel safe and comfortable, i open up and talk non-stop. If i feel ucomfortable, I deemed my mouth as golden "嘴巴里有金".
As said in my friend's blog, it is actually not that difficult to have good friends the oder we get. It just that as we grow older, we tend to get more catious about friends, esp if we have some bad experiences. We tred carefully on the soil of friendship, careful of every chance that we step onto a landmine.
We move on so carefully that in the end, we try not to take any step unless necessary.
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