My name card.

Cookies to be sold.

Wnt door to door to sell. Had quite an experience.
1)Some people thought u selling to them some renovation job. Wave u away even before you say anything till u say u r just selling cookies.
2)Some are obviouslt at home (C'mon, the radio is on) but they act as if they are not at home.
3)Some listen ot you attentively, action like wan to buy but then wave you off eventually ===> nvr buy
4)Some ask to see letter of autorization. ==>ok, pt taken.
5)Sosme ask u why u nvr help fellow singaporeans but help other countries.===?ok, must be more patriotic
6)Some interested in the cookies but upon hearing the price, close the door so quickly.
7)Some made use of their stupid barking dogs to scare u off.
8)Some were making out in the living room with the door wide open till you disturb them.
9)Some rich-looking people wait patiently for the $2 change while the others just tell you to keep the change.
10)Some don buy cause they don like to eat cookies...
Had quite a bit of fun. But extremely thirsty. Talk and talk and talk.
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