There was once a man who was picking up the starfish along the shores and throwing them back into the sea. A little boy saw him and asked him why is he doing it? The man replied," Because i want to save the starfish." The boy laughed for it was impossible to save a;ll the starfish along the shore. Before long, the sun is going to be up and the starfish will die. However, the man persisted and picked up one of the starfish. He threw it back into the water and said," At least i made a difference in that particular starfish."
Educators are in the same position as the man. We meet many lost and alone starfishes along the shore and its entirely up to us to see what we can salvage for them. Many lost starfishes get lost in their direction of life and taken many turns in life before finding their final destination. Wat educators need to do is to throw back as many starfishes to the seas. SOme might be half dried up with slim chances of living. Some might be just hoping u give it one more chance by throwing it back to the sea so that it could live on.
However, how many of us actually stopped and think about saving their lives, no matter how little we might save....
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