We didnt collect any cash but asked the students as well as the staff to donate food items, clothes and stuff. Wanyi said that it might be too troublesome for the teachers to buy food items on their own. Hence, she suggested to pool the money together then buy. So asking Aunty Ellen for her"high standard" of chinese, asked her to wrote a short note and passed the envelope around in the Mother Tongue Dept.
In jus one hour time, we've collected $550 in all. Wow! Got even two teachers donated $100 each. When i send out the email, i was thinking how come my dept teachers nvr answer to the email. Nw, i think its jus convenience sake bahz. Since they are a bit advanced in age, it might be a bit difficult for them to buy. But they are willing to fork out money instead.
So Aunty Ellen and me went to Sheng Siong Hypermart to do shopping. Wow.. I love doing tat kinda stuff (a bit uncle rite?). We each took two trolleys @ 1st and it was filled up jus in 15min time. In all, we filled up 4 trolleys to the brim.
The way that we swept the food into the trolleys, i think other consumers were thinking wat happen, is there another crisis cmg.. You should see their eyes when we were maneuvouring in the supermarket. Hahah.. wat a joke!
After putting all the food into the trolley, we decided that it was too much to put into my tiny weeny car. Hence, decided to ask manager whether can deliver for us or not. Luckily, the manager agreed! If not hor, don know how to transport lor.
Our result:
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