Went to this saloon at Compass Pt nt long ago as my fav haircut Aunty went to China for pleasure trip.
1) Don like the new hairstyle the hair stylist cut for me.
2) Colour too Bright. I mean, yah, although the new P says can dye hair alr. But i don wan to get off his line. I mean, even I find that its too bright to be in this career.
3) Hair was too long for me (for those who know me knows i don really other parts of my hair too long except for my fringe.)
=====>>>>>> Went to Haircut Aunty again. I didnt tell her much. Jus told her cut short where, keep long where and wat the colour prob.
Tada! There's my new haircut. Q uite like it. The way i wan it thought the result was a bit beng. Color cant see nw. Need a few wash before the real color comes out like any other hair dye.
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