Actually, i was a bit apprehensive about going for this trip. People who know me well will know that i am difficult to make new friends. With people that i am unfamiliar with, i am usually quiet and might seem to people as 'dao' as i don take the initiative to talk to people. But heck care la... I need to break out of my comfort zone and hence, went for this outing.
Its was a prawning outing, at the Bishan Golf Drive Range there. The last time i went prawning, was when i was in pri sch. I remember it was boring. Hence, this time was a bit like drag myself to go. But ok la, still enjoy it nevertheless...
Starting to prawn.... Rent the pole out. $30 for 3 hours. At first i was thinking how am i gg to survive 2 hrs as i onli book 2 hrs. But time seems to pass, when i caught my prawns.
Starting on the journey. Yes, i know i look very black in this pic.

Yeah, my very first prawn caught. Not bad leh. Felt quite elated when i caught it. haha...

In total caught 3 prawns. Too bad the first prawn came a bit too late. I had a bet with Hui Yi 2 and Ivy that whoever caught the first prawn had to pay the other party $10. iaoz... They caught it first lo, with eggs inside the prawn somemore. Sianz... Lost $10.
ONe stupid part was to unhook the prawn from the hook once u caught it. Had a hard time unhooking it. Hence, i jus pull the entire hook from the prawn's mouth. Ya, do you also know u had to break off the prawns two 'claws' so that they don cut the net that they are placed to when u catch them.

A pic of all the prawns we all caught. This is NOT what I CAUGHT. About 10 of us, onli caught abt 20 prawns.... A bit sia suay.... haha... Even the boss gave us a look of surprise when he was told the number of prawns we caught with that many rods we rent.

Toi cook the prawns, you need to out them into salt water so that they will die.

Nxt, we need to push the stick into the prawns so that we can BBQ it properly.

Don now why but like the outlook of this particular prawn.

Our BBQ prawns... Yeah....

After the eating of prawns, we went to AMK Park Mac to hang ard. Talk cock a bit and that really when i get to know the others a bit more. Found out that "金毛" actually went Japan for 13 days and spent SGD$3500. Seems not a bad deal. Wait for him to send me the itinary before deciding whether wan out it in my toilet paper or not.
When we wan to leave Mac, we suddenly realised that we nvr take grp photo. So we took it outside Mac lo.
This one quite formal. Just nice nice everyone.

This is the 搞怪pic...

Has an enjoyable time today.
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