Ever thought of giving your time to deprived kids?
Ever thought of giving back to the society?
Now, here’s a chance for you!
Laos Overseas Service Learning Project
Date of service: 5 - 19 Dec 2009
15 days: 11 working days, 4 R&R days
Nature of project;
1. Painting of Wall Murals
2. Repairing of children playground
3. Smoothening of concrete playground
4. Teaching of Basic English Conversation
5. Teaching of soft skills (Eg. Games)
(*Note. We might not be doing all things. These are just some of the things that we can do for them.)
Commitment level: At least 1 meeting per month
From Mid-November onwards, might be weekly meetings
Work Scope:
Pre Expedition
1) Canvassing for funds
2) Preparation for Laos Expedition
3) Pre-Expedition Project to be done in Singapore
4) Contributing of ideas in meetings
1) Team will break out into Sub-groups to do different things
1) Post-Expedition project to be done in Singapore
2) Project Report
Cost: Approx total cost /pax is $1400 (without subsidy)
(*Note. National Youth Council will subsidize 50% of your allowable cost if you are between the age group of 15 to 35 years old. Of course, if we can canvass more funds, then the amount of money that we need to pay will be lower. This cost is based on the approximate amount. Prices are subject to increase in airport taxes and fuel surcharge. )
(*Note. The cost is relatively higher as compared to projects in China and Thailand. This is due to the fact that there is no direct flight from Singapore to Laos and hence, we will need to take transit flights in Thailand and a domestic flight in Laos. Also, the infra-structure in Laos is not that advanced. Hence, we need to pay more.)
Airline: Thai Air/ Laos Airway
(Note. Might consider budget airline if the savings is more than 50% or if the group comes to consensus.)
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in the project or if you have any questions pertaining to the project.
Matthew: kwel832003@yahoo.com.sg
Hsiu Yuan: creagate@yahoo.co.uk
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