Wednesday, October 21

Mid Autumn Festival

My colleagues and I went to celebrate Mid-Autumn festival this year. Years of non-celebrating led us to want to light up some lanterns and makan some mooncakes.

Needless to say, we had to satisfy our 五脏庙before doing other activities. Look wat we eat... Its at Pair Ris park... Food very nice...

The variety of food

So many years never light up lanterns.. Now have to learn and explore how to light up modern lanterns.

After endless minutes, still trying to figure it out...

Finally, Agnes and her lit up lantern

Whew!! At long last.. Us and our lanterns..

Doing the chabalang waves....

Our array of lanterns

Aunty Esther playing with Ashlyn.

Our leftover mooncakes... Burp... Too full...

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