Monday, May 4


Got awoken by the rain and thunder and wind today.

So sianz lo. This ling wkend nvr pour. Then when sch reopens then pour. Wan to rest more also cannot.

Yesterday went to meet up with the YEP leaders. Had quite a interesting session as we shared amg ourselves what has been going on in our own indivudual grps. Had fun n laughter.. Think the other pple in the Mac think that we are siao or something, laugh till so loud. We meet @ Raffles City somemore lo, where people FLOCK.

But the outcome was good. Learnt many things. Best tstill, we decided that we wil meet at Joanna & Yiying grp chalet on the 17th. Hahah... Without their consent, we will jus gatecrash. While they are having their grp facilitation, we will makan our BBQ food and play our Big Two game. Let them be envious... Let them regret why they move on to Laos so early, heh heh......

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