Saturday, March 15

101 Post

Has been almost 2 years since i first created a blog. Due to some reasons, my initial blog was closed down and it gave way to this new blog.

Finally, I am at my 101st blog. Wow... Like some great achievement or something! haha..

Went to watch 3 movies during this short holiday. Horton, The Water Horse and August Rush. Horton was more of the animae type of movie, like lion king and stuff. Jokes were quite lame and most of the time, i can sense crows flying past by.

Water Horse was nt bad. It tells the story of the Loch Ness monster. Its a movie tat will pull every heartstring. The child actor skills was good.

August Rush is another moviue nt to be missed. Wonder why the producer choose such an unflattering movie title. The movie is abt an abandoned child who strive to find his biological parents. The ending is so touching that it makes ur heart feels as if htye jusa stepped on some lemons. If you onli hav $6 left, it must be August Rush tat you muz watch. (Yah, Cathay movie tic are onli $6 if you pay by UOB on a week day.)

Human being are a very special type of animal, though in close relations with the primates. I wonder how the children and grand children of Ah Meng felt when Ah Meng jus left the world without saying anything. Will they feel the loss of a loved one or will they jus go on with their everyday life?

Sometimes, we are so accustomed to someone that we might take them for granted. Once we take things for granted, we tend to overlook some details and hence, start to neglect. Some wrongs can be undone but most likely nt most of the times. No matter how much the other party can do, they is jus some things that the wrongs cannot be untied. THe knot is jus a died knot, nvr to be pry opened. "好马不吃回头草。" Its jus nt pple wan to make this saying real tat they do wat they are doing but jus tat, they cant jus bury the hachet and move on as if nothing has happen. You don hurt a person and then jus say sorry and carry on as if nothing has happened.

Few are those who can forgive your mistakes and none are those who can forgive your grave mistakes.

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